When it comes to training your mental abilities, there are a multitude of factors to consider and many different approaches as to how it should be done. No matter if you are looking to enhance your memory, your concentration span or both, there are three things that have been scientifically proven to be absolutely irreplaceable for making possible the improving of your brain power.
1. A complete, well-balanced diet.
The brain is a physical organ in your body, therefore it needs proper nutrition to remain active and process to it´s full capacity. Without getting too technical on various specific nutrients that are often recommended for the express purpose of improving brain power, as a general guideline vitamins, minerals and plenty of water daily should keep you on the right track. Keep your energy levels at bay with controlled consumption of sugar and carbon hydrates, and don´t go overboard with the caffeine and/or "energy drinks".
2. Focus on improving your breathing.
The ability to take plenty of oxygen in with every breath is not as simple as it may sound; often times we find ourselves breating superficially, at a non-constant pace and getting easily exhausted because of that. Develop your breathing with simple exercises you can do by yourself in the comfort of your home, and if possible combine that with some form of athletic outdoor activity, such as running or cycling. This will nourish your brain with better oxygen intake and allow you to tap more and better into your mental abilities.
3. Sleep is important!
Everybody has heard by now the ubiquitous doctors recommendation of "eight hours daily minimum!", and it is true. While certain characteristics of an individual will slightly vary this number, as an average it is still pretty accurate. Your brain needs to rest in order to replenish itself, and thus face more complex tasks the next day. Don´t skip on too many hours of sleep, and give yourself (and your brain!) a well deserved break after a day full of work.
These simple strategies will lay a solid foundation on which to pursue the objective of improving your brain power. If you follow them, you should feel much more prepared physically AND mentally to achieve a superior level of mental performance. Also, you´ll find your memory and focus will drastically improve as a byproduct.
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